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Our Terms and Conditions

  1. JobGoGo Hong Kong accepts all advertisements and orders subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. JobGoGo Hong Kong expressly reserves the right to amend, alter, replace, or cancel any of these terms and conditions without prior notice to the advertiser. The advertiser is deemed to have full knowledge of, and be bound by, such terms and conditions. No terms proposed by the advertiser for any advertising order will be binding on JobGoGo Hong Kong. Advertising orders for space do not constitute contracts.

  2. JobGoGo Hong Kong reserves the sole discretion to reject, decline, or modify any advertisement, in whole or in part, with or without notice to the advertiser, whenever JobGoGo Hong Kong deems it necessary or appropriate to do so. JobGoGo Hong Kong shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from such non-publication or amendment, nor shall JobGoGo Hong Kong provide any refund, deduction, or other compensation to the advertiser in such cases.

  3. JobGoGo Hong Kong accepts no liability whatsoever for any omission, inaccuracy, or failure of color printing in any published advertisement, regardless of whether a proof has been supplied and regardless of the cause, be it the neglect or default of JobGoGo Hong Kong, its employees, agents, or contractors. If an advertiser requires that its name, address, or other information not be disclosed, and JobGoGo Hong Kong has been informed of this, JobGoGo Hong Kong will make reasonable efforts to ensure non-disclosure. However, JobGoGo Hong Kong shall not be liable for any such disclosure unless it was made with JobGoGo Hong Kong's express knowledge or authorization.

  4. Advertisements requiring specific placement or additional processing will be subject to supplementary charges. JobGoGo Hong Kong retains the absolute right to determine, adjust, or alter the classification and rate of charges applicable to all advertisements placed, at any time. The published rates and charges, as outlined on any order form or acknowledgement, may be varied by JobGoGo Hong Kong at any time without prior notice, before invoicing. Any quotations provided by JobGoGo Hong Kong shall not be binding in any way.

  5. The submission of an advertisement for publication does not constitute a binding commitment or any representation or warranty on JobGoGo Hong Kong's part to publish the same either at all or on any specified date or dates. JobGoGo Hong Kong shall not be liable for any loss, costs or expenses incurred by delay, deferral, or cancellation (which are beyond the control of JobGoGo Hong Kong). JobGoGo Hong Kong's liability shall in the case of non-publication be limited to refund of the charge of the advertisement already paid and in all other cases as aforesaid JobGoGo Hong Kong shall have the option either to grant a refund of such proportion of the paid charge as shall in JobGoGo Hong Kong's sole opinion be reasonable or in lieu of such refund and at JobGoGo Hong Kong's absolute discretion to publish the advertisement as soon as reasonably practicable. 

  6. The Advertiser agrees all of the information collected from the job posting service will be used for recruitment purposes only. 

  7. JobGoGo Hong Kong is not liable for the candidate information obtained from the website or job posting service. 

       The Advertiser should be liable for the full payment of the subscription package selected.  All packages will be activated                within 48 hours after receiving the full payment of the subscription package. 

        All job postings and content to be posted will be reviewed by JobGoGo Hong Kong prior to being displayed on the 


     8. The Advertiser is accountable for the content of its job postings and any materials included therein. All content within                job postings must adhere to applicable laws, rules, and regulations. The Advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold

          harmless JobGoGo Hong Kong, its parent company, officers, directors, employees, agents, partners, representatives,

          shareholders, and employees against any claims, actions, demands, or liabilities.

     9. JobGoGo Hong Kong reserves the right to edit and modify all or any of the contents and layout design that constitute 

         parts or the entity of its website without prior notice to the Advertiser. JobGoGo Hong Kong has the authority to   

         terminate services, as well as remove, modify, or suspend any Job Ad without prior notice, compensation, or recourse if

          the Advertiser breaches or is suspected of breaching any terms of the Subscription Registration Form.

     10. Job ad(s) or package(s) which have been deactivated, deleted, or left unused are not eligible for refunds or extensions.

          The Advertiser shall not amend any of the terms and conditions in this Subscription Registration Form.  All terms and

          conditions in this Registration Form are biding during and after the expiration of this Subscription Registration Form. 

          JobGoGo Hong Kong reserves the right to immediately terminate the agreement and report any complaints supported

          by strong evidence questioning the credibility of the advertiser or the recruitment advertisement to the appropriate

          statutory and regulatory bodies.

     11. Should more than one package be subscribed at the same time period, utilization will be deducted on first end first out


     12. The Advertiser may not assign or transfer the Contract, or any of their rights and obligations under it, to another party,

          whether in whole or in part, without first obtaining written consent from JobGoGo Hong Kong. Any assignment or

          transfer made by the Advertiser without JobGoGo Hong Kong's prior written approval shall be deemed null and void.

     13. JobGoGo Hong Kong reserves the unilateral right to change these terms and conditions at any time, at its sole

           discretion, by simply posting the amended terms on the Website. No prior written notice to users will be provided. The   

           revised terms shall become effective immediately upon being posted to the Website.

     14. The Website is the sole and exclusive property of JobGoGo Hong Kong. JobGoGo Hong Kong reserves the unilateral               right, at its sole discretion and without any prior notice to or consent from the Advertiser, to:

  • Change, modify, add to, or vary any part or feature of the Website

  • Terminate, withdraw, or suspend the whole or any part of the Website

  • Alter the prices or specifications of any Services offered on the Website

      15.  JobGoGo Hong Kong may exercise these rights at any time as it deems appropriate, without being obligated to

             provide any justification or obtain approval from the Advertiser.

       16. JobGoGo Hong Kong, or other participating parties, may provide links to external websites or resources, which we'll

             refer to as "Linked Sites." Unless explicitly stated otherwise on the JobGoGo Hong Kong website, the company holds

             no control or ownership over these Linked Sites, nor does it bear responsibility for their availability. JobGoGo Hong

             Kong is not accountable for the content of any Linked Site, the links within them, or any modifications made to such                   sites; the Company also does not assume liability for any webcasting or other transmissions originating from the

             Linked Sites. These links are offered solely as a convenience for users, and their inclusion does not imply

             endorsement or association by JobGoGo Hong Kong with the operators of the Linked Sites. JobGoGo Hong Kong

             shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from your use of the Service or the content of the Linked Sites.

     17.  JobGoGo Hong Kong will store the contents of the job posting(s) for 30 days after the expiry of the initial posting of the

             job posting.

     18.  JobGoGo Hong Kong is a subsidiary of Dynamic Professional Services Company Limited. 

     19.  The Contract, including these Terms and Conditions and the Order, shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong

            Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). The Advertiser and the Company hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive                jurisdiction of the courts of the HKSAR for the purposes of any suit, action, or other proceeding arising out of or       

            related to the Contract.


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